Thursday 13 March 2014

Indoor maps by Yahoo!

Annzo Corporation: Recently there has been an amazing update by Yahoo that not only maps will provide great source of information at geographical level but it will also now give an indoor maps through its satellite. Yahoo comparatively to Google has been recently improving their maps software by constantly making it more users friendly and resourceful. Although Marissa Mayer Yahoo CEO has been a little humble for not promoting the idea of going head to head with Google locals but still this step is much more than improvisation which can definitely lead yahoo to success.
Yahoo is also consistently working on their local search user’s experiences trying to compete with Google maps listing Mississauga. Credit also goes to Nokia for helping Yahoo to collect maps through satellites and it’s their intervention that is helping Yahoo to achieve their goal. Merging with a mobile company is a smart idea which Yahoo has taken because Nokia has been collecting and mapping venues in different categories for a number of years and now has coverage in 45 countries, with more than 1,000 venues being added monthly according to the company.
Improved maps are great resource for the improvement of so many collaborated gadgets such as this would extend itself to mobile and probably would also give dense route details from the apps directly from phones. Despite of the fact that yahoo is one of the companies which is not as successful as Google but following them Bing and Google has also started working on indoor maps. Indoor maps as proposed by Yahoo can be great resource of information such as it can provide detailed map for hospitals, malls, airports, college’s campuses, stadiums and so on. It is also great tool for local SEO experts Mississauga because it can contribute to improve online-to-offline ad tracking. The main reason is that when a mobile user for instance sees an ad through some app that is connected or backlinked with a mall, it can be a good source of capturing your online consumers. SEO seeks opportunities to improve online marketing and enhance the accessibility of consumers for the potential sales and services of one business. Not only that when a mobile user has been exposed to an ad and then visits a mall or store that visit can be captured in a number of ways, including by watching that user cross a store perimeter threshold. For more information about the latest update in SEO world stay connected with Annzo Corporation local SEO Company Toronto Blogs and services.

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